Gila Valley Multiple Listing Service
P.O. Box 3262
St. George, UT 84771
(435) 674-0555
About The Gila Valley MLS:
The Gila Valley Multiple Listing Service (GVMLS) is a private MLS owned by RealtyPro Solutions, LLC. It is controlled by the majority vote of all brokers who are members of the Service (along with the approval of RealtyPro Solutions). The GVMLS is a separate entity from and is not controlled by the Graham Greenlee Board of Realtors, even though most of the participants in the GVMLS are members of the board. It is the primary MLS for the majority of all brokers who belong to the Graham Greenlee Board of Realtors.
If you have any questions about the structure or legal entity of the GVMLS, please contact
RealtyPro Solutions, LLC at (435) 674-0555.